Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Counting Down the Days

Well there is not long to go until Richard starts the sculpts, can you guess that I am a little excited? However, there is very little I can add at the moment. So I've been using the time to go over a few things and finish off bits and pieces in the painting pile.
I had also hoped to do a littlemore work on the website. Obviously when I have the time to do it, the hosting company decides to switch their entire outfit onto new servers, so access will be very patchy at best for the next week. On the plus side it means that I have no reason not to paint. Actually I do, it's the Mythic Game Master Emulator. Great fun, I roll the dice, jot down the results then work out the storylinw as I paint. As you can tell I have no great love of the figures I am painting at the moment!
As I'm talking about painting, my other site:
has a few bits and pieces on that I have done. It amazes me how much difference there is in my painting when I am doing figures that I enjoy compared to the ones that I just need to get finished.


abdul666 said...

You are not the only one counting the days!

I'm now sure that you are right about the gaiters ending inside the shoes: de Saxe describe them as built 'boot-like' below the calf and worn over naked feet, thus they end actually as socks -maybe leaving the toes bare, but it's irrelevant here, anyway.

Btw the link miniaturegaming.co.cc (even as posted in the left margin) does not seem to work?


SteveI said...

The site is on the same server as the LSC site, so it will be getting moved to its new host. Hadn't thought of that when I put in the link. :-(

Frankfurter said...

I know what you mean ... I've got three batches that need "finishing" and dozens that need starting.
We've got a minor problem with our lights, however, and it's giving me an excuse to take things easy this month ...
anyway, that's why I proposed what I did on Eve!